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Mengubah Format File Secara Online

When working with a computer, we face various kinds of files. Sometimes, we need to change the format of a file to another format. For example, perhaps we need to change the file with. Doc format to format. Pdf. Indeed there are many software that can help us. But often the problem is when we need to change the format of a file quickly, but we do not have the software to change it, and we do not have much time to search for modifier software earlier.

We can change the format of a file simply by using only a web browser, now available online file format converter, namely This website can help you convert various file formats like. Doc,. Pdf,. Rtf,. Txt,. Ppt,. Html,. Docx, and many more. In addition to the document file, this website also can help us change the format for image files, such as bmp, gif, ico, png, and so forth. This website can even help us to change the format of video, audio, and type of compression.
click here to help us to do all the earlier file format conversion fast, easy, and free.

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2 Responses to "Mengubah Format File Secara Online"

  1. thanks bro ..sudah berkunjung ke blogku
    Blognya kamu mantap bro,banyak tips & trik bermanfaat, templatenya serem....

  2. y broo,,masama,, makasih ya broo,dah brkunjung di blog gue.. ajak tmn"nya lagi ya broo,,,


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