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 'Windows Service' is a program designed to perform specific service which is started automatically when Windows boots and runs as long as System is up and running. Services normally run with 'System' privilege thus enabling them to execute higher privilege operations which otherwise cannot be performed by normal processes. Due to these advantages, often malware applications use services to monitor and control the target system.

In this direction, AdvancedWinServiceManager makes it easy to eliminate such malicious services by separating out third party services from Windows services. By default it shows only third party services along with more details such as Company Name, Description, Install Date, File Path etc at one place which helps in quickly differentiating between legitimate and malicious services. It comes with rich features such as detecting hidden rootkit services, exporting the service list to html based log file, displaying only third party services etc. All these unique things make it stand apart when compared to 'Windows Service Management Console'.
Features of AdvancedWinServiceManager

Here is the complete feature list of AdvancedWinServiceManager
  • Detection of hidden Rootkit services
    It can detect the services hidden by malicious Rootkit applications using bypass hook method. Such hidden services will be shown in red color to differentiate it from normal services.

  • Enhanced user interface with dynamic resize functionality.
    It comes with really cool GUI interface with catchy banner. Also it has dynamic resizing capability which makes it to adjust the screen according to the user needs.

  • Arrange the services based on various parameters
    It comes with sorting functionality to arrange the services based on service name, description, status, user account, company name, binary path, file size etc. This helps in quick searching of the service.

  • Easier detection of malicious service
    By default only third party services are displayed along with detailed information which makes it easy to differentiate between legitimate and malicious services.

  • Export the services list to standard html format
    'Export to File' option provides easy way to save the displayed service list to html based log file for offline analysis.

  • Show services based on status and vendor.
    User can view the services based on its status. For example one can view only third party services or all running services.

  • Smooth and quick management of services
    It provides option to start, stop, enable or disable services with just a click.

  • Displays detailed information for each service
    For each service following information is shown,
    • Service Name
    • Description
    • Company Name
    • Service Status
    • User account
    • File version
    • File Size
    • Install Date
    • Full Binary Path
Screenshots of AdvancedWinServiceManager
Screenshot 1: Showing only third party services
Screenshot 2: Hidden Rootkit service from Hacker Defender being detected by AdvancedWinServiceManager
Screenshot 3: Arranging all running services based on Company Name
Screenshot 4: Exported service list in html format shown in Internet Explorer.
Using AdvancedWinServiceManager

This is very simple application which does not require any installation. Just copy the downloaded executable file to any folder and launch it.  By default it will show only running third party services. You can click on check boxes at the bottom to show all third party services or show all services including built-in windows services.

Once the particular service is selected, you can use the buttons to start/stop, enable/disable that service. Also the service list can be reloaded by clicking on the 'Refresh' button.

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